1176 Babcock Lake RdHoosick Falls, NY 12090ph: 518-285-9039 (no sales calls)
Feel free to call for hours, what's ready for picking, and what's currently available in the farm shop.
We have only closed twice since we opened in 2010, but it doesn't hurt to check. 518-285-9039
That depends on the weather.
You-pick lavender is usually ready by June 21.
Blueberries, flowers & herbs usually start by July 10.
Pumpkins are ready in September. (They are easier to find if you pick after the first frost)
Farm shop products are available year-round. Call:
Click the link below the map for driving directions to Hay Berry Farm field:
1176 Babcock Lake Rd, Hoosick Falls, NY
(No sales or spam, thank you)